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Sun Java SE Development Kit

Sun Java SE Development Kit v17.0.1

大小:185 MB


类别:网络其他时间:2024-08-27 14:05:29

Tags: Java开发 SE开发工具 Sun平台

The Sun Java SE Development Kit (JDK) serves as the Software Development Kit (SDK) for the Java programming language, offering a wealth of features and tools for Java developers. Its robust language features, enhanced standard libraries, optimized Compact Profiles, improved security, support for JavaFX and JavaScript engines, modular system, jshell interactive programming environment, and comprehensive documentation and community support make it an indispensable tool for Java developers.

Java's expressive power and flexibility are enhanced by the ability to pass functions as method parameters or treat code as data, providing advantages in writing concise and efficient code.

Java has been updated with new language features, including default methods, the new java.util.stream package, and the Date-Time API, offering developers more powerful and flexible programming capabilities.

JDK introduces the new JavaScript engine, Nashorn, enabling the execution of JavaScript code within the Java environment.

Developers can now start and execute Java code directly from the console. The immediate feedback feature of jshell makes it an excellent tool for exploring APIs and testing language features, as well as providing convenience for teaching and learning Java.

JDK provides a wealth of documentation resources, including API documentation, tutorials, and guides, offering comprehensive technical support for Java developers.

Software Features

1. Development Environment Support

Java Compiler (javac): The JDK includes the Java compiler, enabling developers to compile Java source code (.java files) into Java bytecode (.class files), the intermediate representation for Java program execution.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM): The Java Virtual Machine in the JDK is responsible for executing compiled Java bytecode, converting it into machine code, and running it. The JVM is key to the cross-platform execution of Java programs.

2. Class Libraries and APIs

Java Standard Libraries: The JDK offers a vast array of Java standard libraries, including classes and interfaces for file operations, network communication, database connectivity, and graphical user interface (GUI) development. These libraries streamline the Java development process and enhance productivity.

Java API Documentation: The JDK comes with extensive Java API documentation, providing detailed descriptions, usage instructions, and sample code for each class and interface, facilitating the learning and application of Java APIs.

3. Development Tools

Debugger (jdb): The built-in debugger in the JDK allows developers to debug Java programs, including setting breakpoints, inspecting variable values, and stepping through code, aiding in the discovery and resolution of program errors.

Performance Analyzer (jconsole): The performance analyzer is used to monitor and manage the performance of Java applications, covering aspects such as memory usage, thread activity, and class loading, helping developers optimize application performance.

GUI Builder Tools (like Swing and JavaFX): The JDK provides GUI builder tools like Swing and JavaFX, allowing developers to create rich graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using Java.

4. Cross-Platform Support

The JDK supports running on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, enabling developers to create Java applications that can run consistently across different platforms.

5. Security and Encryption

The JDK offers robust security and encryption features, such as the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE), to protect Java applications and user data.

Installation Steps

Download the latest installation package from this site.

Follow the on-screen instructions to install.

Once the installation is complete, you can start using it.



