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Sublime Text 3 Bulid

Sublime Text 3 Bulid v3.2.2(3211)


语言:简体中文系统:Mac 10.7+

类别:系统工具时间:2024-08-27 22:17:03

Tags: Sublime Text 3 Bulid

Sublime Text 3 for Mac is an exceptional code editor on the Mac OS platform. It is also cross-platform, offering an interface and features reminiscent of TextMate. Notable features include window splitting, project management, an extensive selection of extensions, and code folding, as well as direct support for the Vim editing mode.

Key Features

Sublime Text is not only a code editor but also an advanced text editor for HTML and prose. It boasts an elegant user interface and remarkable features such as a minimap, multiple selections, Python plugins, and code snippets. The editor is fully customizable with key bindings, menus, and toolbars.

Among its primary functionalities are spell checking, bookmarks, a comprehensive Python API, the Goto Anything feature, instant project switching, multiple selections, and multiple windows.





